(re)ACTOR: THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DIGITAL LIVE ART September 11, 2006 The Octagon @ Queen Mary, University of London London, England, UK, Deadline for 2-page submissions 26 May 2006. In cooperation with HCI 2006: ENGAGE; The 20th British HCI Group conference in co-operation with ACM
DIGITAL LIVE ART is the intersection of human-computer interaction (HCI), live art and computing. This conference seeks to bring together practitioners and academics from the varying worlds of live art, computing and human-computer interaction for a lively debate and event which will explore this emerging field. Our specific context focuses on club cultures as a living context for digital live arts practices. Our expected outcomes are to create a community of digital live artists and to present strategies for designing, developing and evaluating Digital Live Art. Such an event provides an opportunity to open up conversations between digital art and live performance and will allow us to explore how it is used to increase our understanding of human-computer interaction in general.
The notion of Digital Live Art is that of a hybrid art form which focuses on presence and presupposes the digital as a way of making live engagements. Our particular interest is in exploring the relationship that develops between performers, participants and observers within playful contexts and how Digital Live Art may move people to performative interaction and communal engagement.
The conference will include both daytime presentations and an evening ambient after party. The daytime event will include a keynote panel with Charles Kriel, Philip Auslander, and Jon Dovey.