Call for Entries

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The Media Art Friesland Festival 2006, which takes place from September
the 13th till October the 1st, is the tenth edition of the festival.
This anniversary will be celebrated with a special and large programme.
Recent work from all over the world will be shown in film and video
screenings, presentations, exhibitions, conferences and performances.
Do you want to participate in the 10th edition of the festival? Media
Art Friesland asks all artists and students to send in their work;
video, film, cd-rom and internet projects, installations and
Deadline for the entries is 1st June 2006!
For more information, visit our website at or
send an e-mail to
Programme of the 10th Media Art Friesland Festival
The Video Salon presents an international program with a high-quality
selection of recent experimental short films and videos, animations,
new forms of narration and documentation, accompanied by special
Multimedia installations by graduation students of Dutch Academies of
Art, Media Technology and Design are presented in the exhibition Young
Talent and the exhibition Spotlight shows work by artists worldwide.
In the Artist in Residence program young talented artists are given the
possibility for personal development and presentation of work made in
The Computer Gallery presents non-linear works on CD-Rom, DVD and
Internet by international artists.
Sound Vision is filled with multimedia stage shows as well as other
live acts that have become part of audiovisual arts.
The Experience gives insight into current media trends and projects.
The cross over of various genres and different disciplines bridge the
conventional divide between art, science and technology. Experts answer
questions on cultural understanding and present training concepts.
Artists, visual designers and developers show their work. In
co-operation with Dutch Media Colleges the Experience presents the
various positions and offers a blast of information and the possibility
of critical discussion with the audience.
The International Student Competition stimulates students to explore
their innovative and creative skills. An independent jury of experts
decides who wins the prize of 500 euro.