Take It To The Net @ Vilma Gold - May 5th


I'll be showing Chapters 1-12 of R. Kelly's Trapped in the Closet Synced and Played Simultaneously as part of a group show at Vilma Gold in London called Take It To The Net.

It opens this Friday, with a performance by Paper Rad.



Curated by Hanne Mugaas

Seth Price | Paper Rad | Takeshi Murata | Paul Davis (Beige) | Michael Bell-Smith | Thomas Barbey | Jean Baptiste Bayle |

Take it to the Net is an investigation into a new generation of artists who use the techniques, skills, and aesthetics of the internet as well as digital information transfer in their work. What is or is not conceived of as art is of less importance in an era where the amateur as producer has become the professional. The Internet has opened the floodgates for producers, and the emphasis now lies in the hands of those who access the information.
