Mobile Studios Hits the Road

Mobile Studio

Mobile Studios - A nomadic multimedia platform hits the road

From April to May 2006 the Mobile Studios travel as a nomadic multimedia platform from Belgrade to Bratislava, Budapest and Sofia, and will temporarily possess the urban spaces in these cities. With today`s opening in Belgrade, this production laboratory for young artists, performers and cultural programmers starts its adventurous journey across Southeastern Europe and the Balkans.

The three exhibition modules of the Mobile Studios are like a "no man's land," that settles into an urban context. It temporarily acts as a neutral ground which offers the opportunity for collaborations with artists, grass-roots groups and cultural institutions. The Mobile Studios function as an experimental field in which structures that do not yet exist can be tested and discussed with the public within a short period of time.

Mobile Studios: Editorial, Talk and Live Studio
This internationally networked pilot project is a mobile, autonomous laboratory for artists and cultural producers. In a subsequent programme, they will be invited to recreate the studios as directors. Mobile Studios are consisting of three corresponding units: Editorial, Talk and Live Studio.

The installations and urban interventions that take place in the Live Studio, as well as the conversations and discussions of the Talk Studios, will be transformed and broadcast in the Editorial Studio in various formats. The production and broadcast processes will be made visible at the same time.

Art contents - instantly processed and highly visible
The Editorial Studio is the largest exhibition module: Here, daily reports from the Talk and Live Studios will be editorially processed, archived and published in various multimedia formats. Comprehensive content will be transmitted to editors and media partners for further use in online editorial, web, TV and radio, press, magazines, etc.

Mobile Studios talks & wireless conferences
Interviews and discussion rounds will take place in the Talk Studio with the host city's cultural producers and audiences. All these talks will be live streamed and will be available as a video download on our website. Please see the tour schedule on for our wireless conferences, where artists, cultural operators and scholars from Europe and the United States will discuss with our partners of the different host cities.

The Laznia Center of Contemporary Art in Gdansk provides a Mobile Webcast Studio that will transmit to corresponding issues regularly.