visual poetry show
Andrej Tisma:

Blends & Bridges: A Survey of International Contemporary Visual Poetry &
Related Art

Gallery 324 at the Galleria at Erieview is hosting a show of contemporary
international visual poetry (Vispo for short).

The show is curated by Cleveland visual poet/publisher John Byrum, local
artist Wendy Collin Sorin, and Florida visual poet/publisher Bob Grumman.

Gallery 324
1301 East Ninth Street
Cleveland, OH

OPENING RECEPTION: Saturday April 1, 2006 5 - 9pm

Poetry readings/performances begin at 6:30PM. Refreshments provided.
Free parking will be available for the opening in an underground parking
garage. The entrance to the garage is off Lakeside, between East 9th and
East 12th streets. Exhibition continues through April 30, 2006
Gallery Hours: Monday - Friday 10 - 6, Saturday 10 - 2, and by appointment

For more information on the show, including directions to the gallery, click
on the following link:

Blends and Bridges:
A Survey of Contemporary International Visual Poetry & Related Art
Exhibition in Cleveland, Ohio USA April 1-30
Curated by Byrum, Grumman, & Sorin
for details: