AFC Interviews
Since AFC marks the second blogger interview on Artlist, I no longer hesitate to call the piece "part of an ongoing series". The interview is full of my ideas on blogging and new media, so not surprisingly, I happen to think it's utterly fascinating.

Elizabeth McKenzie: When did you start blogging and how and why do you think blog sites like your Art Fag City are impacting the mainstream media?

Paddy Johnson: I started a personal blog in the fall of 2004, which technically marks the beginning of my blogging career though this was more of a past time than it was anything else. Art Fag City was started in September of 2005, which I think is a more accurate representation of the when a began to blog. Given that I have been mentioned once in a printed publication, the measured effect Art Fag City has had on the mainstream media amounts to virtually nothing at this point. It is unlikely however that this reflects the real effect that the community is having....

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