
Wrathmaster 3000©, by Los Angeles artist Michael French, takes a whimsical approach to the often violent nature of video gaming. The artist created an original and very simple video game to reflect today's complicated cultural climate. Viewed as a projection, the video game has no beginning, end nor winner but feeds us an infinite amount of soldiers parading down the screen.

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The controller is a yellow hand with built in sensors that responds to your gesture of hitting or smashing it. A giant god-like hand appears then on the screen obliterating the soldiers in mass (with the audio to match) only to be replaced by countless more men. A death-count allows you to mark your participation in the presentation and outcome of the piece.

The game is extremely simple, cartoon-esque and fun to watch. Nothing high-brow nor out of this world, just refreshing.

Until April 8, at Sixspace , 5803 Washington Blvd. in Culver City, Los Angeles.

My (not great) pics on flickr.