Potentially Someth;ng

Potentially Someth;ng will exhibit in London works by student artists who explore different fields inside the interactive / digital media.

The show includes:

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The Doodle TV application doodles over live images on TV recognising faces and drawing glasses and mustaches over them, or drawing decoration around the image. It works exceptionally well with
news programs as you can see in the image.

By Kester Sheridan, Goldsmiths College, University of London.

For Luc Ferarri
is an installation where the audience becomes the conductor of one of Luc Ferrari`s rare symphonic pieces. It questions the elite nature of classical music, its accessibility, its copyright and the role of of the conductor. The piece discovers a hidden visual side of classical performance and the intimacy of individual members of the orchestra caught in digital close-ups.
Luc Ferrari was present during this concert, recorded illegally three months before his death in August 2005. This may also be the last filmed work which has Ferrari invisible yet there, in the audience.

By Wojciech Kosma, Middlesex University.

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Aikon (Artistic~Automated IKONograph) sketches faces automatically, starting from a picture, typically a photographic snapshot of a scene with humans.
Once a digital image is considered, the system automatically finds where some of the faces (or face-like patterns) are and isolate these. Each face image pattern is then used to produce a stylised portrait. The style which the system aims at using is derived from the one Patrick Tresset has developed over the years in his artistic practice. The goal is for the final system to mimic the process developed by the artist and algorithmically interpreting its subjects into naturalistic, yet electronically-derived, forms. Aikon will be producing a series of sketches throughout the exhibition.

By Patrick Tresset, Goldsmiths College, University of London.

Potentially Someth;ng will start the 23rd at 7pm and will be open until Sunday.