
Copyright-abusing-machine and creative intelligence instrument at the same time, sCrAmBlEd?HaCkZ!" is described by its creator Sven König, as a bastard between database and as a sensitive composer for radical plagiarism.


sCrAmBlEd?HaCkZ! attempts to develop an artistic strategy that could shed some light on evident but confusing problems of intellectual property.

The mind music machine is a software which consists of a pre-analyzer, a database and a synthesizer. Using the pre-analyzer it is possible to automatically split up audio material into small musically and rhytmically meaningful snippets. The sonic properties of each snippet are extracted and saved in a database so that a soundpool of samples referenced by their sound signatures is available.


The synthesizer analyzes an audio input stream and again splits it up into small snippets and calculates their sound signatures. For everyone of the input snippets the best match out of all the snippets in the database is found and each input snippet is continuously replaced by the best matching (most similar-sounding) snippet from the database.
The audio input, which can be other music or as I use it, just human voice, is virtually describing music to be automatically constructed out of samples found in the database.


Performance during the ">VIPER festival, in Basel, Gare du Nord, 18 March 2006.