Pixelache 2006 Helsinki - preliminary program info!
juha huuskonen:

Here is some preliminary program information about Pixelache Helsinki... More details will be announced soon!

Also check out www.malaupixel.org for info about the Mal au Pixel Paris...

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PixelACHE 2006 30 March - 2 April, Helsinki Kiasma, Museum of Contemporary Art www.pixelache.ac

Mal au Pixel 2006 19 - 29 Avril, Paris Ars Longa, Confluences, Mains d'Ouvres www.malaupixel.org

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VJ culture & audiovisual performances section features MiniMovies, a brand new project by AGF & Sue Costabile (US + Germany). AGF and Sue Costabile are both young multi-disciplinary creators with their activities extending from conceptual art to establishing independent record labels. MiniMovies is their first large scale collaboration, 'a collection of mini-lives in an urban and political context'. "Everybody is a disaster. Let's make our own movies." www.minimoviemovement.com

To celebrate our French connection with Mal au Pixel Paris, we present two projects from France: a abstract audiovisual performance ChDh (Cyrille Henry & Nicolas Montgermont) and Grenze (Patrick Fontana & Pierre-Yves Fave & Emeric Aelters), an audiovisual journey through the book 'Das Kapital' by Karl Marx. Pixelache 2006 also premieres Peurakaira vs. Päätehakkuu by Kangastus collective (Finland), commenting the current struggle between the forest industry and reindeer herding co-operatives in Northern Finland. www.chdh.net www.grenze.org www.peurakaira.fi

Pixelache 2006 is very happy to present a concert by Vladislav Delay, a rare performance in his home country. Other music acts this year include Aelters (France), Forss (Sweden) and several others. Full Pixelache club/music program will be announced soon! www.vladislavdelay.com www.ski-pp.com/aelters.html www.forss.to

Experimental mobile / locative projects are presented in the context of Locative media workshop: Rautatieasema returns, organised by Andrew Paterson (Finland) & Meiju Niskala (Finland). The workshop brings together a group of performance artists and artist/researchers interested in mobile/locative media. The group will spend one week at the Helsinki Railway station, beginning with 'something' which are placed in the station lockers. The workshop process/results are summarised in public events, featuring presentations by Ben Russell (www.headmap.org, UK), Angela Piccini (University of Bristol, UK), Richard Widerberg (IMPROVe project, University of Art and Design Helsinki) and many more. www.pixelache.ac/locative

More details about Pixelache program will be updated at www.pixelache.ac during the next weeks, meanwhile if you have any questions please send an e-mail to contact {{at}} pixelache.ac.

Looking forward to seeing you in Helsinki at Pixelache 2006! (and at Mal au Pixel in Paris!)

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