Post PowerPoint - Into the Web


Increasing Outreach via Flickr Slideshows

I've been studying PowerPoint; I've shared some of my notes here before. Now from Howard, links to a new kind of presentation:

Integrated Flickr slideshows, Creative Commons remixes of images found on Flickr, with a slideshow or outline that makes the topic accessible to the web audience. Considering that many people at most technology conferences attend lectures with laptops in their laps, if you're not making a big play for a show-stopping handwaver of a lecture, you might as well understand the audience will be be attending the present and future of your published outline online.

Here's a good sample Online Outline, which was turned into a Flickr Slideshow. Increasing outreach - appropriate for their topic "Knowledge Sharing with Distributed Networking Tools..." [posted by jhall on Interactive Media Division Weblog]