Manifesto for Networked Objects


Julian Bleecker has finally posted his "Manifesto for Networked Objects" in which he discusses "Why Things Matter". Julian elaborates on a variety of issues connected to the "Internet of Things", populated by "Blogjects" or "Spimes" that collect and disseminate information, making us eventually rather live "in" than "on" the internet.

Besides being highly recommended reading in this case, a manifesto is something that is published to incite debate about the subject. What's your take on the networked world of objects? Will things become relevant in the creation of "meaning", will they become elevated to agents with the status of "first-class citizens", even advancing "trans-species dialogue"? Or is the creation (and consumption) of relevant information exclusive to human agents (read: bloggers)?

What's for certain: it is always good for artists, designers and researchers to write a manifesto when they feel that something big is in the air. Pictured above: draft for the communist manifesto in Marx' original handwriting.