LABS call for thesis abstracts - next deadline March 30th
Kathleen Quillian:

Leonardo Abstracts Service (LABS) Next submission deadline: 30 March 2006

Leonardo Abstracts Service (LABS), consisting of the English LABS database and Spanish LABS database, is a comprehensive collection of Ph.D., Masters and MFA thesis abstracts on topics in the emerging intersection between art, science and technology. Individuals receiving advanced degrees in the arts (visual, sound, performance, text), computer sciences, the sciences and/or technology that in some way investigate philosophical, historical or critical applications of science or technology to the arts are invited to submit abstracts of their theses for consideration.

The English LABS and Spanish LABS international peer review panels review abstracts for inclusion in their respective databases. The databases include only approved and filed thesis abstracts. Abstracts of theses filed in prior years may also be submitted for inclusion.

In addition to publication in the databases, a selection of abstracts chosen by the panels for their special relevance will be published quarterly in Leonardo Electronic Almanac (LEA), and authors of abstracts most highly ranked by the panel will also be invited to submit an article for publication consideration in the journal Leonardo.

Thesis Abstract submittal forms for English language abstracts can be found at

Thesis Abstract submittal forms for Spanish language abstracts can be found at

For more information about LABS visit:

The LABS project is part of the Leonardo Educators and Students program