TRANSMEDIA :29:59 - March

+media art in public urban space+

March 1 - 31, 2006:
29th minute: Myfanwy Ashmore - 'Mario Trilogy'
59th minute: Kate Armstrong + Michael Tippet - 'Grafik Dynamo'
Yonge-Dundas Square, Toronto

Year Zero One is pleased to present TRANSMEDIA :29:59, a year long=20=20
exhibition on the pedestrian level video billboard at Yonge-Dundas=20=20
Square in downtown Toronto. Launched August 1st 2005, TRANSMEDIA :=20
29:59 features one minute video works 24/7 every half hour on the=20=20
29th and 59th minutes.

Featured for the month of March is Myfanwy Ashmore's 'Mario Trilogy'=20=20
and Kate Armstrong + Michael Tippet's 'Grafik Dynamo'.

Myfanwy Ashmore's Mario Trilogy is three hacked versions of the=20=20
original Super Mario Brothers video games dumped to single channel=20=20
video output for Transmedia :29:59. 'Mario Trilogy' is part of the=20=20
'CONTROLLER: Artists Crack the Game Code' exhibition at InterAccess=20=20
Electronic Media Arts Centre from February 24 - March 25, 2006.

Kate Armstrong + Michael Tippet=92s Grafik Dynamo is a work=20=20
that loads live images from blogs and news sources on the web into a=20=20
live action comic strip. The work is currently using a feed from=20=20
LiveJournal. The images are accompanied by narrative fragments that=20=20
are dynamically loaded into speech and thought bubbles and randomly=20=20
displayed. The work takes an experimental approach to open ended=20=20
narrative, positing a new hybrid between the flow of data animating=20=20
the work and the formal perameter that comprises its structure.

TRANSMEDIA :29:59 is curated by Michael Alstad + Michelle Kasprzak

Year Zero One gratefully acknowledges the Ontario Arts Council,Yonge-=20
Dundas Square and Clearchannel for their support of Transmedia :29:59

YEAR ZERO ONE is an artist run site which operates as a network for=20=20
the dissemination of digital culture and new media through web based=20=20
exhibitions, site-specific public art projects, an extensive media=20=20
arts directory and blog.