Bidoun presents: Art and Politics, part I

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Fine Print: Bidoun
Thursday, June 29, 6:30 pm

Bidoun presents:
Art and Politics, part I

The first in a series of events devoted to the intersection of art and politics.

via PS1:
Comprised of editors and contributors based around the world, Bidoun's concern is the arts and culture of the Middle East. The magazine is dedicated to serving as an open forum for exchange on and about ideas related to that part of the world, and far beyond. For Fine Print, Bidoun hosts the first in a series of events devoted to the intersection of art and politics. Tracking the CIA's "Torture Planes," a talk by artist and geographer Trevor Paglen on the CIA's use of civilian planes to 'render' and 'disappear' suspected terrorists. Paglen will also take on his recent trip to Kabul on the trail of secret prisons, black sites in the US, as well as what unmarked airplanes can tell us, and what they cannot. Thomas Keenan, head of Bard College's Human Rights Project, will act as respondent.

Fine Print: Alternative Media at P.S.1
P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center presents Fine Print: Alternative Media at P.S.1, a series of public programs co-organized with innovative publications from New York and nationwide. Participating publications include The Believer, Bidoun, Cabinet, Clear Cut Press, Esopus, Influence, The Journal of Aesthetics & Protest, Mass Appeal, n+1, The Relay Project, and Topic.

Admission is free, but seating is limited. Tickets may be picked up in the Main Lobby of P.S.1 the day of this event.