Expo Manchester


Free Sonic Exploration

Sonic Arts Network and University of Manchester bring the Expo festival to Manchester for a weekend packed with over twenty free events including concerts, installations, performances, exhibitions, happenings, workshops, gigs, conferences and DJ sets. Expo is the hub and playground of the UK'½s experimental music and sound art scene, featuring very special guests from around the world. This year's Expo festival is a sonic exploration of the inner, outer and public spaces of Manchester.

Festival Highlights: Expo kicks off at Cornerhouse on Friday 23rd June (18:00-20:00) with the launch event for three solo sound exhibitions, produced in partnership with Cornerhouse that run until 30th July. Staalplaat Soundsystem's extreme and immersive sound installation The Ultrasound of Therapy gives visitors the chance to experience a unique personal sensory experience. Strapped to a hospital bed, 'patients' are subjected to personalised sound therapies.


Helmut Lemke invites you to create your own sound pieces in his new work KLANGELN VIII, which transforms fishing rods into intriguing instruments. Bob Levene will explore playful and humourous concepts in a jointly commissioned audiovisual installation - The Space Between: Experiments for Speakers.

On Saturday 24th June (20:00 -20:45) at The University of Manchester Music Halls, a day of concerts culminates in an ultra-rare appearance of Fluxus maverick Joseph Byrd. The founder of legendary band The United States of America, where he presents White Elephant; his first graphic score for almost 40 years, performed by all-girl Norwegian electro-improv group SPUNK and sound art activists Dreams of Tall Buildings.


No Petting, No Running, No Bombing on Sunday 25th June (12:00 - 17:30), when Sonic Arts Network takes over Manchester's vast and historic Victoria Baths, winner of the first series of BBC's Restoration, with a specially curated programme of sound installation, sonic intervention and performance. Headliners The Owl Project will blend the historic craft of wood turning with hectic glitch electronica. Drop-in and get involved in events taking place throughout the day. Artists will perform in the derelict and empty swimming pools, Turkish baths will be replaced with experimental noise and a man will drown his computer.


On both Saturday and Sunday night, Expo moves to the Roadhouse (21:30-Late) for mashed up club nights of hardcore sonic treats ranging from the beautiful to the bizarre. Featuring a showcase from broken electronica label Tripel presenting Ascoltare and Um, plus a rare performance from the reclusive sampler group Quartet Electronische - emerging from the tweed soaked academic sabbatical of their own imaginations to disrespectfully rip up the sounds of Manchester.

All Expo events are free and everyone is welcome to be part of this unique sonic exploration of Manchester's public spaces.