

"The American Loren Chasse is one of the most important international artists working in the areas of environment and sound. His ability to listen and to transform an object into 'musical instrument' is the most identifying feature of his work.

If field recordings are more and more common in 'experimental' music, then Loren Chasse does not only have a different way of using sound, but he manages to 'photograph' with his microphone the acoustic spaces in which he works.

Chasse shifts the traditional frontier of art by blurring the differences between music and sound art, if it can even be assumed that they exist. Beyond his activities as a musician and his several collaborations, he is a teacher in the San Francisco School District where he organizes workshops on skilled and creative listening." From INTERVIEW: LOREN CHASSE, PHOTOGRAPHING ACOUSTIC SPACES by Luca Bergero. This text is republished in collaboration with It was released on March 2006, and has been edited for republication on newmediaFIX.