Event links
Che Guevara: Revolutionary & Icon
7 June, 2006 - 28 August, 2006
V&A, London, UK

"The portrait of Ernesto "Che" Guevara, Heroic Guerrilla, is the most reproduced image in the history of photography. Taken in 1960, at the highpoint of the Cuban revolution, it can be seen on posters and T-shirts and souvenirs all over the world ... Although there is debate about the true nature of Che's activities, he remains the most charismatic revolutionary leader of modern times. Korda's famous photograph first deified Che and then turned him into an icon of radical chic. Its story - a complex mesh of conflicting narratives - has given Heroic Guerrilla a life of its own, an enduring fascination independent from Che himself." (see also: Korda's Che)

Urban Networks
9 June, 2006 - 6 August, 2006
Art Interactive, Cambridge, USA

"Urban Networks features five interactive art projects that examine social encounters and explorations in urban places. The works in this exhibition employ a range of technological devices that create urban community connections and offer insights into how emerging technologies might play an alternative role in our experience of everyday urban life." (via)

SonarMatica: ALWAYS ON
15 - 17 June, 2006
Sonar2006, Barcelona, ES

"ALWAYS ON is a display dedicated to mobile culture and location projects. It is an initiative based on exhibition and participation, taking SonarMatica out onto the streets for the first time. Participants include Proboscis' Urban Tapestries/Social Tapestries, Blast Theory's Day of the Figurines, and Michelle Teran's Life: A User's Model." (via)

Future City: Experiment and Utopia in Architecture 1956 - 2006
15 June 2006 - 17 September 2006
Barbican Art Gallery, London, UK

"What would it be like to live in a hairy house, a floating city, or an inflatable pod? Pure fantasy or the shape of things to come? From extraordinary houses and incredible towers, to fantasy cityscapes and inhabitable sculptures, Future City showcases the most radical and experimental architecture to have emerged in the past 50 years. Featuring a who's who of architecture, the exhibition includes 70 visionary projects by influential and groundbreaking architects who have challenged convention to radically shape and influence the way we live." (see also: Tomorrow's Worlds)

Urban Play
20 - 23 July, 2006
Futuresonic 2006, Manchester, UK

"Imagine a world where the city is a digital canvas, the street a gallery, performances happening in a thousand moving places at once. There are art forms out there, struggling into the light, and a new kind of festival. This is where people take over the city and use the technology that surrounds us for creative, experimental, challenging ends. Some call this media art, others locative media. We call it urban play."

Interactive City
5 August - 13 August, 2006
ISEA 2006, San Jose, CA, USA

"The city has always been a site of transformation: of lives, of populations, even of civilizations. With the rise of the mega city, however; with the advent of 24/7 rush hours; with the inexorable conversion of public space into commercial space; with the rise of surveillance; with the computer-assisted precision of redlining; with the viral advance of the xenophobic, the contemporary city is weighted down. We dream of something more. Not something planned and canned, like another confectionary spectacle. Something that can respond to our dreams. Something that will transform with us, not just perform change on us, like an operation ... From dynamic architectural skins to composite sky portraits to walking in someone else's shoes to geocaches of urban lore to hybrid games with a global audience, projects for the Interactive City should transform the 'new' technologies of mobile and pervasive computing, ubiquitous networks, and locative media into experiences that matter."