casa de citas/house of words

exhibition:::::::::::::::::::house of words

a work of::::::::::::::::::::artefactes (rubén tortosa and paco berenguer)

curator::::::::::::::::::::::nilo casares

room:::::::::::::::::::::::::gran canaria espacio digital

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::in order to *activate* the exhibition, we would appreciate a brief email to <>, on the current situation of interpersonal relationships.

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::introduction of the exhibition::::::::::::::::::::

house of words: a place in hyperspace where a piece of writing may experience an abduction.

one of the main features of contemporary art is its processing or even progressive nature. the beginning of an idea is led towards several possible directions. this same thing has just happened to i sent you a red cadmium. from the start, the project was an incentive to experience in a vivid way, the alterations that a piece of writing will suffer through its interchange online.