CFP: Curatorial Proposals for LEF exhibition at CAA, Dallas, 2008
Eddie Shanken:

The Leonardo Education Forum (LEF) seeks curatorial proposals for an exhibition that will include, but not be limited to, work by members of LEF and/or CAA. The exhibition will coincide with the College Art Association annual conference in Dallas, February 20-23, 2008. Exhibition is eligible for $10,000 award from CAA plus another $5000 for a catalog. Curator will work with LEF Chairs to identify and confirm venue and submit proposal to CAA.

Please submit 250 word statement describing the exhibition's theme, any special or timely significance, and proposed artists/works. Any suggestions for venues or additional sources of funding or in-kind support would be helpful. Please send proposal via e-mail by July 15, 2006 to Edward Shanken and Andrea Polli, LEF Vice-Chairs. E-mail lefexhcaa2008 "at"

More information about LEF: /Leonardo/isast/events/leonardocaa.html

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