Call for Participation: IEEE Visualization 2006

Call for Participation IEEE Visualization 2006

Art Exhibit Submissions Information visualization is traditionally viewed as a tool for data exploration and hypothesis formation. Because of its roots in scientific reasoning, visualization work has, until recently, been limited to a role of analytical tool for sensemaking.

In recent years, however, both the mainstreaming of computer graphics and the democratization of data sources on the Internet have had important repercussions in the field of information visualization. With the ability to create visual representations of data on home computers, artists and designers have taken matters into their own hands and expanded the conceptual horizon of infovis as artistic practice.

In its first edition, the InfoVis Art Exhibit examines the merging of artistic intention and visualization technique. We are looking for artwork that reveals data patterns in aesthetic, innovative ways. The goal of the exhibit is to steer viewers towards greater introspection about what information is worth visualizing and why.

The InfoVis Art Exhibit will consider the following types of work:

interactive CD/DVD-ROM work interactive web-based work printed artwork Requirements

Interactive pieces should run on a standard computer configuration (Windows Operating System, 512 MB RAM, 20 GB hard drive, 1024 by 768 pixels monitor resolution) as such systems will be available at the exhibit.
