Playing in circles

loopScape, by Ryota Kuwakubo, is a game for 2 players with wireless controllers. It is a very classic shooting game. But instead of battling on a flat screen, you have to run around the cylindrical LED screen to follow your spaceship. Another consequence of having a 360° is that once your missile is fired, it will fly round and round until it hits something: hopefully it will hit your opponent's rocket but you might also get shot down by your own missile if the enemy manages to avoid it.


Related: 3D video game.

loopScape --together with Unreflective Mirror, by Masaki Fujihata, A-Volve by Sommerer/Mignonneau, FragMental by exonemo, and works by five other artists-- is part of the Art & Technology Zone, an exhibition area where one can investigate the dialogue between technology and art. The show opens on June 6 and runs until September 9, at ICC, Tokyo.
NTT is also hosting the lovely Kodama installation by Hisako Kroiden Yamakawa.

Other "products" and installation by Kuwakubo: Delay Phone, PLX -parallax of the game, R/V: Robots That Mediate Human-Human Interaction, Duper/looper, fluid, extra!, Bit-Hike, VideoBulb and BitMan, Heaven Seed.