Transubstantiate - open call

Transubstantiate: a peer-reviewed, online journal for performance technologies praxis.

Call for submissions:

Transubstantiate welcomes submissions for its inaugural issue on the theme of ‘Disruptive Innovation’. We seek examples of new thinking and practice that overturn and/or reassess existing performance technology praxis. Submissions may be presented as papers, reviews , audio, visuals (stills / video) and code. Authors may use multiple formats in a single submission.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Networked performance.
* Disruptive innovations & discourse.
* Pedagogy, ontologies and epistemologies.
* Choreography for iPod.

Choreographies for iPod must be specifically devised works and may take the form of:

* Video / stills.
* Audio description / instructions.
* Text description / instructions.
* ‘Soundscore’ with text description / instructions.

Transubstantiate encourages submissions that take an alternative stance on established modes of mediated performance. Submissions should be equivalent to 3000 – 8000 words in .doc, mp3, .jpg or .mp4 (video) format.

The deadline for submissions is 1st November 2006.

For more information or to submit please contact the editorial & curatorial board via curators[at]transubstantiate[dot]org.

The liminal is limited; transubstantiate.