"The Possible Ties Between Illness and Success", new work by Carlo Zanni



Opening: August 3rd 2006 at La Rada Centro Per l’Arte, Locarno
as part of WIRELESS a show in partnership with 59° LOCARNO INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL

The Possible Ties Between Illness and Success

the new work by Carlo Zanni

a data cinema project about providing success appropriating other people's lives

Random and Artificial are proud to present The Possible Ties Between Illness and Success by Carlo Zanni, a two minutes short movie transformed by an Internet data flux and re-edited server-side when web statistics (Google Analytics) are available: the public can watch a new movie every day.
The core idea of the work is the relationship between manic-depressive illness forms and success at large, a theme it symbolically tracks through the filming of a ill man lying in a bed and the presence of his partner (actress Stefania Orsola Garello). The man’s body (actor Ignazio Oliva) progressively fills with stains: quantity and position depend on the number of users (and country of origin) visiting the website. The more users, the more stains, thus causing the "illness" to spread all over the body. The public grants success while appropriating the body of the artist.

The title of this work has been derived from a review of a book called Touched with Fire: Manic-Depressive Illness and the Artistic Temperament by psychiatrist Kay Redfield Jamison. This is basically a work dedicated to all those people living beside someone suffering or experiencing bipolar disorders.
Music for the film is by acclaimed composer Gabriel Yared (The English Patient, Cold Mountain); words of the voice playing over the film are taken from the last page of American Purgatorio, a novel by Brooklyn based American writer John Haskell, who also plays the text in the English version.

”Art as disease. And success as a contagious and self-destructing process. In a challenging mix between cinema and live Internet data. The Possible Ties Between Illness and Success is a visual statement about the ancient theme of malaise as a typical artistic condition, built with tools and metaphors of our technological era.” (Valentina Tanni)

a work by Carlo Zanni
words by John Haskell
music by Gabriel Yared
with Stefania Orsola Garello and Ignazio Oliva
Opening August 3rd 2006 at La Rada Centro Per l’Arte, Locarno
As part of “Wireless” show curated by Noah Stolz and Fabiola Naldi
Web: http://www.ThePossibleTies.com
Press Info: info@thepossibleties.com
Press PDF: http://www.thepossibleties.com/press/possible-ties-pdf-press.pdf

THE AUTHOR Carlo Zanni (La Spezia, 1975) is an Italian born artist living between Milan and New York. In the past years his work has been shown worldwide in galleries and museums including: P.S.1, New York, Museum of Contemporary Art (MCA), Chicago; CCA Glasgow; The New Museum, New York; Gavin Brown's Enterprise at Passerby, New York and MAXXI, Rome. His first retrospective opened in October 2005 at the Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA), London that published his first book "Vitalogy" currently distributed by Cornerhouse. In October 2006, "8-bit" a documentary by artist Marcin Ramocki featuring an interview with Carlo Zanni will be premiered at MoMA, Museum of Modern Art, New York.

media partners

www.random-magazine.net Random is an italian web magazine dedicated to new media art and electronic culture. Random Magazine is directed by Valentina Tanni and published by Exibart.com (www.exibart.com)

www.artificial.dk Artificial.dk is a news resource for information about net art, software art, and other computer based art forms. Artificial is supported by the Danish Arts Council Commitee for Visual Arts.