Free Culture Sponsors Wikimania Awards

Attention free content creators and wikimaniacs alike: is co-sponsoring the Wikimania Awards in conjunction with the 2006 Wikimania Conference taking place in Cambridge, MA on August 4-6, 2006. (Shout out to all that would like to attend the conference: register here.)

The Wikimania Awards were created to promote the creation of excellent free content around the world. The authors of such content have made millions of ad-hoc collages, designs, and art exhibits possible. Awards will be given to the best entries in each of nine categories, covering video, animation, audio, photography, and drawing.

Entries must be suitable for some Wikimedia-related project, and must be released under free licenses such as the GFDL or Creative Commons BY-SA or Public Domain Dedication. The full set of rules and submission information is available here.

The closing date for all submissions aside from those created en route to/at the conference is August 1, 2006, so don’t delay. There will be an international and (cyber) star-studded set of judges, along with some great prizes and exposure for the winning entries!