Zach Lieberman's talk at Futuresonic

4zach.jpgMy notes from Zach's Making the invisible visible, a talk that he also dubbed "How i came to loose all of my hair in the last 5 years."

"I travel a lot and never know what i should write or say when i'm asked about my occupation. "Artist" sounds too egotistical, so i'd prefer to define myself as a "researcher" as i feel that my artistic practice is a kind of research. I use technology to augment the body, the intellet and extend ourselves. Unlike other instruments, like guitars, computers are a relatively new tool, we've just started to explore their creative potential."

Together with Golan Levin, he has created TMEMA. A first series of their projects revolves around the voice.

The Hidden Worlds of Noise and Voice (2002) was influenced by one of Czech animator Michaela Pavlatova's works Reci Reci Reci (means "Words, words, words"). The drawings make visible the words that goes out of the characters' mouth.

1hiddn.jpg 2hiddn.jpg

The augmented-reality speech-visualization system reveals the relationship of speech to the ethereal medium which conveys it. Each of the six persons around a table wears special see-through data glasses (equipped with microphone and position sensor), which register and superimpose 3D graphics into the real world. When one of the users speaks or sings, colorful noodles appear to emerge from his or her mouth. The graphics are tightly coupled to the unique qualities of the vocalist's volume, pitch and timbre.