Slippage: Exhibition Announcement

Nanette Wylde:

Exhibition Announcement

"Slippage: fragilities and instabilities in the phenomena of meaning"

an exhibition of, runs parallel to ISEA2006/ZeroOne San José.

Exhibition URL:
Exhibition dates: July 15 - August 31, 2006
Curator: Nanette Wylde

Slippage exists in the grey areas of language and social interaction. It is the realm of the in-between--the place of disjunction, expectations, covert meanderings, and the processes and residue of questioning minds. Sites selected for "Slippage" explore and expose relationships between intention, perception, control, experience, behavior, memory, knowing and the unexpected.

Artists include Mez Breeze; Krista Connerly; Juliet Davis; Lisa Hutton; Paula Levine; Jess Loseby, et al.; UBERMORGEN.COM; and Jody Zellen.
