DataVapour 04-07-06
Pixel Maelstrom - Philip Stearns

Busy, Busy...

The TI99 is a "vintage" home computer system from 1981 made by Texas Instruments. Philip Stearns has been bending its circuits to make a real-time audio responsive glitch machine - the Pixel Maelstrom. Maybe you want to try? Check out this page for advice on how to start circuit bending with toy musical instruments using bluetack!

Over at the always inspiring Bldgblog we hear of the Earth-Surface-Machine, 'an interactive geotextile that could be used for reinforcing landscapes and buildings of the future'.

Obselete presents 120 years of Electronic Musical Instruments. Who wouln't enjoy curiosities such as the Optophonic Piano ? - a device that generated sounds and projected revolving patterns onto a wall by directing a bright light through a series revolving painted glass, filters, mirrors and lenses.

Marius leads us to the work of Simon Elvins and his exploration into sound, print and notation. Then rebounds with a link to some exquisite musical notation presented at Biblioodyssey. Dataisnature has touched on this theme before in a little less detail.

Sanch, the chief experimenter at Meso now has a blog documenting the fantastic forms he creates using VVVV! (see previous posts on the Superformula).

Splitscreen is a blog dedicated to split, composite and multi-screen visuals.