2006-2007 Rhizome Commissions

Lauren Cornell:


On behalf of Rhizome, I'm pleased to announce that eleven international artists/groups have been awarded commissions to assist them in creating original works of Internet-based art. Each commission will range from $1000 -- $2500.

The selected artists are Annie Abrahams and Igor Stromajer, Nadia Anderson and Fritz Donnelly, Adam Brown and Andrew Fagg, Corey Jackson and Aaron Meyers, Zach Lieberman, Michael Mandiberg, the Institute for Applied Autonomy and Trevor Paglen, Evan Roth and Ben Engebre, SLOWLab (Carolyn Strauss and Julian Bleecker), Marek Walczak and Martin Wattenberg and YOUNG-HAE CHANG HEAVY INDUSTRIES.

Rhizome Commissions are jury awarded, and one is determined by Rhizome Members through an open community vote. This year, Michael Mandiberg's project Real Costs was selected by the Member vote.

Project descriptions and artists' biographies are available at:


Rhizome would like to thank our Members and the jury for lending their time, opinions and insight to the selection process.
