Oppera Internettikka Bollywooddikka


Retro-Bollywood Code Arias with MP3 Orchestra

Oppera Internettikka Bollywooddikka (low-tech IT e-Bollywood) by Igor Stromajer & Brane Zorman. LIVE internet broadcast from New Delhi. Oppera Internettikka is a series of low-tech internet opera art projects begun in 1998 to explore a combination of classical opera tactics and strategies, together with singing source code, Java scripts and applets. Igor Stromajer will sing HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) and Java (Java Scripts and Applets) source codes in Retro-Bollywood style, and Brane Zorman Vs BeitThroN will operating an MP3 orchestra live from New Delhi, India.

Location: India International Centre New Delhi, India; Saturday, January 28th, 2006 from 7:15 PM to 8 PM local New Delhi time (Standard Time +05:30 UTC) = from 14:45 to 15:30 Berlin/Paris time. Check exact current local time in India: Advice: please re-check www.intima.org/oppera/oib on January 28th in the morning, for the exact starting time of live broadcast - it may vary due to unexpected circumstances (+/- 1 hour) !!!

It will be performed live in the India International Centre in New Delhi, in the frame of CeC & CaC - The Carnival of e-Creativity & Change-agents Conclave, presented by The Academy of Electronic Arts, and broadcasted live on the internet. CeC - The Carnival of e-Creativity is organized by the producer, curator and director Shankar Barua.

I. Stromajer and B. Zorman will be singing, composing and manipulating HTML source code of the www.bollywood.com website, as it was written on August 15th (2005), Indian Independence Day. # www.bollywood.com is a registered domain of K.C.Varshney.

Produced by Intima Virtual Base - Institute for Contemporary Arts, Slovenia, 2006 - in collaboration with Cona. Special thanks to Bojana Kunst and Irena Pivka.

Project supported by The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia.

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"Le Pavarotti du HTML" - Le Slovene Stromajer crée des opéras en code web - par Marie Lechner (Le vendredi 2 février 2001, Libération Paris, France).

"But beware: Igor Stromajer is also singing the theory of the Internet!" (Inke Arns; Leonardo Electronic Almanach, Volume 8, N.1, MIT Press 2000).

"It all started in 1999 when Igor Stromajer earned the peculiar nickname, the Pavarotti of the Internet, for singing his Oppera Teorettikka Internettikka, a transcoding of the HTML into song." (Rossitza Daskalova, CIAC Electronic Art Magazine, Montreal, Canada, N.15, August 2002).


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In January 1996 Intima Virtual Base created its first net art project, entitled 0.HTML. The project was awarded Third prize at Extension 1997, Hamburger Kunsthalle, Germany (jury: Dr. Uwe M. Schneede, Rainer Wörtmann, Dellbrügge & de Moll, Valie Export, Dr. Dieter Daniels).

Intima Virtual Base 1996-2006: Ten Years of Net Intimacy http://www.intima.org/00110001_00110000

Celebrating ten years of net intimacy, Intima Virtual Base is producing a new internet opera - Oppera Internettikka Bollywooddikka.


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Live Internet Video&Audio Broadcasting:

Oppera Internettikka Bollywooddikka will be broadcast live from New Delhi via internet, using a free MakeTV website service, developed by AI.


1) check the exact current local time in India (January 28th, 2006 at 7:15 PM UTC/GMT +05:30)
2) go to MakeTV
3) accept the terms
4) select Oppera Internettikka Bollywooddikka by the producer "tvintima"

5) watch: enlarge/reduce the video size or go fullscreen

6) archived file will be available immediately after broadcast

Intima Virtual Base
[ the low-tech solution for tactical emotional art ] http://www.intima.org; 3[at]intima[dot]org
t: +386 41 703291