New Sound & Reviews at
marc garrett:

New Sound & Reviews at

For the first edition of 2006, kick off your winter worn galoshas and
step into the warmth. Explore the varied and explorative talents
featured on Furthernoise.

Furthernoise features Canadian sonic comics The Dry Heeves and Dale
Lloyds collaborative album Amalgram on the net label Conv. The King of
Norwegian Noise, Lasse Marhaug is the subject of Mark Francombes feature
on the Norwegian Art Noise scene.

Other reviews include:

UK improvised guitar & drum duo Ian Kearey and Paul Wigens.
Argentinian orchestral composer Serge Smilovich.
Italian ambient artist Enrico Cosimi.
Australian sonic art star Jodie Rose with her double album Singing
Bridges release Vibrations : Variations.

A/V Net performances now online.

And what seems to be of popular interest these days by the many visitors
to the site is, the A/V net performances on Visitors Studio, which the net art group Furtherfield has generously offered for us NoiseNiks to
creatively abuse at will;-)

We now have last years A/V net performances on Visitors Studio archived,
available through the following artists links in the Editors Forward.
They feature Mark Francombe, John Kannenberg, Chris Vine and french A/V
duo 2Toms. Stretching the studio's capabilities to it's limits these
performances are some of the most innovative to date. Highly recommended
viewing / listening.

'Exploration in Sound' compilation.

Due to the encouraging success from various radio stations such as
resonance fm (UK) and Spanish radio, and many visitors downloading the
Net Label content, with some pretty cool feedback. We are now feverishly
setting up the next 'Exploration in Sound' compilation. - Explorations in Sound is a net label releasing
quarterly high quality MP3 compilations of adventurous critical music &
sounds. Each selection is a limited edition release, available free to
download (artwork included) for 3 months before being replaced by the
next editions compilation. We will be featuring a diverse array of
artists and groups who are pushing the boundaries of their genre and
exploring new terrains that communicate via sound.

We have an open submissions poilicy for these releases and you don't
necessarily have to be featured in any edition to be considered for
inclusion. Please visit the Furthenoise link at the top of the page for
more details.