I Taught Myself Everything I Know: Autodidactism in New Media Art
Mark Tribe:

I Taught Myself Everything I Know: Autodidactism in New Media Art

A panel discussion with Mary Flanagan, W. Bradford Paley, and Keiko Uenishi AKA o.blaat, moderated by Mark Tribe

American Folk Art Museum
45 West 53rd Street (between 5th and 6th)
New York, NY

10am, Sunday, January 29. Coffee provided!
$10 general; $5 members, seniors, students

Moderator Mark Tribe, an artist, curator, and educator whose interests lie at the intersection of emerging technologies and contemporary art, and panelists Mary Flanagan, W. Bradford Paley, and Keiko Uenishi AKA o.blaat, new media artists, will discuss the conceptual, aesthetic, and technological demands of the field. The conversation will examine the idea of what constitutes a self-taught new media artist, and whether this terminology applies to digital artwork being created today.

For more information, please contact Diana Schlesinger