Call DAW06
DIGITAL ART WEEKS 2006 ETH Zurich [Kon.[Text]] Symposium Zurich, Switzerland, Thursday July 13th to Sunday July 16th, 2006 Digital Art Weeks 2006 ETH Zurich: Parallel Event - Interactive Futures, 2006 Co-sponsor - Computer Systems Institute ETH Zurich: Co-sponsor-, Swiss Federal Office of Culture: Research Partner ? The Situated Body CALL FOR PAPERS, PANELS, DEMONSTRATIONS & PERFORMANCES The Digital Art Weeks PROGRAM (DAW06) is concerned with the application of digital technology in the arts. Consisting of symposium, workshops and performances, the program offers insight into current research and innovations in art and technology as well as illustrating resulting synergies in a series of performances during the Digital Art Weeks Festival each year, making artists aware of impulses in technology and scientists aware of the possibilities of the application of technology in the arts. [Kon.[Text]], this year's Digital Art Weeks SYMPOSIUM concerns the use of the Performative Surround in the arts and the technology that drives it. The Performative Surround pertains to the immersive quality and quantity of the setting of a performative artwork that uses electronic media enhancement. Enhanced media art is any artwork that uses electronic media to communicate in part or in whole its message to the viewer. The viewer may be therewith integrated into the performative arena through the use of the communicative powers of the applied media. In a series of lectures, demonstrations, panels and performances, artists and researcher will examine the use of electronic media in articulating the performer's presence through the possibilities of the multi-sensuality of electronic media. The possibilities of blurring the divide between public and performer to bond them through the powers of dissemination and inclusion inherent within the technology behind the performative surround will also be considered as well as how communication between both performer and public can be interactively networked in real time through various forms of computer enhanced dialoging.[...]