Biennial Blah Blah

On Monday, January 23rd, Artforum is hosting a panel talk with past and present Whitney Biennial curators at the New School. Panel members include 2006 curators Chrissie Iles and Philippe Vergne, along with past curators Klaus Kertess, Louise Neri, Lisa Phillips, and Elisabeth Sussman.

This could be an interesting talk, the Whitney Biennial is always so contentious. The talk could shed some light onto the inscrutable selection process, personally I think that curating the Biennial has got to be one of the toughest challenges in the world of art. There are over 200 biennials in the world today, plus the rise of hundreds of art fairs around the world. Still though, at least here in the US, the Whitney Biennial still seems to regularly kick up more furor than any other museum show.

Event Details:

Artforum Roundtable: Curating the Whitney Biennial
Monday, 23 January, 6:30PM
Tishman Auditorium @ The New School
66 West 12th Street, NYC

Tickets are $10, Call 212.229.5488 or email for reservations.