The Vasulkas: Pioneers & Magicians

Violin Power
Violin Power (clip, 1978, 2.1MB, 1:17 min)

The Vasulkas, husband & wife team Woody & Steina,
have devoted over thirty years to an intensive exploration
of the possibilities of electronic image making.
It’s a strange paradox, perhaps, that this exploration,
which has been highly formal & technical in nature
should also be so deeply poetic.
Of the six clips here the first three are by Steina & the second
three by Woody (these being extracts from a single work
‘Art of Memory’)
Anyone reading this in the UK should drop everything and
go down to the ICA in London allowing themselves at least
a couple of hours there to take in properly the current
Vasulkas exhibition (until January 30th).
Everyone else will have to be satisfied with their excellent
website which, as well as many other video clips, contains
comprehensive documentation of their work, including
pdfs of complete exhibition catalogues.

Sky High (clip, 1982, 1.3MB, 48 sec)

Warp (clip, 2000, 1.7MB, 1:04 min)

Art of Memory #1
‘Art of Memory’ (clip, 1987, 1.1MB, 43 sec)

Art of Memory #2
‘Art of Memory’ (clip, 1987, 1.6MB, 1:02 min)

Art of Memory #3
‘Art of Memory’ (clip,1987, 1MB, 25 sec)