Dorkbot London 33

dorkbot 33
Reporting on Dorkbot London. This month was the biggest crowd Dorkbot has ever had, very good turnout.

First to main talk was from Greg McCarroll who has been making an alarm clock that would check the live departure times of trains and wake him up at an appropriate time. There are lots of quirky features, so read about them here. He hopes in the future it will automatically email his boss at work to say he will be late :) Some photos.

chris oshea
Second to talk was me, Chris O'Shea. I presented some camera tracking and soundtoy experiments from the last year or two. I then showed some more recent projects, including Sonicforms research.

reciprocal space
Then on to the Open-Dorks. Firstly Ruairi Glynn talked about Reciprocal Space, a hyper surface project. Ruairi is now studying at the Bartlett School of Architecture and writing his Interactive Architecture blog.

Then Rob Myers returned to demonstrate Minara, a vector graphics drawing program that allows you to edit code live to edit the graphics as well as use traditional tools.

Last but not least, Brock Craft talked about an installation he created for Royal Festival Hall, a wall of infrared sensors triggering sounds from a gamelan instrument as people walked by.
