X Reloaded

David Casacuberta and Marco Bellonzi of the Santo File art group have been awarded the first prize, in the net.art category, of Ingenio 400, a competition that celebrates the 400th anniversary of the first edition of Don Quijote.

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X Reloaded proposes new readings of fragments of the Spanish masterpiece, reinterprated by the aesthetics of various artists.

The project, still open to works of internautes, proposes 12 reappropriations of the text including: a montage by Barbara Kruger; a map by Jodi; Olia Lialina's Don Quixote came back from the library. After so much reading he was out of his mind; for glitXote glitch artist Tony Scott submitted one of Gustave Doré's engravings to digital degeneration; Rosa Llops, from the OVNI collective (Observatorio de Vídeo no Identificado), portrayed don Alonso Quijano à la El Lissitzky; Adbuster designed a Mastercard , there's also a very experimental recipe by mister El Bulli himself Ferran Adrià.

Via El Pais.