faculty position: berkeley media arts / theory
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Ken Goldberg:

Just announced:

Faculty Opening in Theory and Practice of Interactive Media

University of California at Berkeley
Center for New Media
Application deadline: 10 March, 2006

Theory and Practice of Interactive Media. Tenure track, Assistant Professor position to develop teaching research, and service programs in the production of interactive media. Candidate will be expected to contribute to research and teaching objectives of the Center for New Media (http://cnm.berkeley.edu/).

Possible subject domains include visual, acoustic, compositional, dramatic, tactile, and cultural aspects of interactive media, and their inclusion into computational representations (such as personal digital assistants, e-books, interactive educational tools, wearable and other digital art, personal security devices, media-rich cell phones, multimedia tools for the disabled, interactive architectural spaces, etc.) Preference will be given to applicants with a background in and/or research commitment to both technical and humanistic/societal disciplines. [More....]