The Rational Review
Tuesday 10th January 2006
Bethnal Green Working Men's Club, Pollard Row (off Bethnal Green Road)
Doors at 7pm; £5 on the door

The monthly inter-art series Rational Rec @Bethnal Green Working Men’s Club crosses the divides between music, film, debate, performance art and dance.

On Tuesday 10th January, Cecilia Wee will be curating an evening as part of the series called the Rational Review. This will involve the first public airing of composer John Lely’s Launch of the Red Bird, a film/sound installation by Rees Archibald, the Rational Review debate, and a music performance from London Musicians Collective stars Genital Panic.

The centrepiece of the evening will be the Rational Review debate, where the audience will nominate their favourite, most despised or most challenging art work or cultural thing of 2005 for discussion by the panel.