t-minus ‘06

Submissions sought that explore alternate methods of temporal presentation.

Deadline: January 20th, 2006

Abstract: As computers and cameras become increasingly ubiquitous, a greater number of creators are becoming interested in the artistic possibilities inherent in combining these technologies. Time-distorted video is easily realized with affordable consumer equipment, and this ability has generated a wave of image-over-time interactive ?physical computing? installations and homegrown timelapse projects. T-Minus3 seeks to bring together exceptional realizations that explore the union of digital media and time.

nes: Submissions must either be completed works (pre-recorded DVD’s, tapes),or a detailed description of the completed piece, including length, and an abstract for the piece.

Media included in submission packages must be in DVD video format, either PAL or NTSC.

Works will be displayed at numerous locations, TBD, announcements will follow.

All copyrights to the work remain with the individual artists.

Include a one paragraph description of the piece, example media, artist(s) background, and contact information.

Please mail submissions to the following address:


T-Minus 2006
c/o Chris Jordan
149 E. Broadway #4
New York, NY 10002