Art Fag City on's "United We Stand"
United We Stand
December 10- January 23rd 2006
Gallery Blows Cover and Reveals Movie Hoax

From the people who convinced the entire city of Vienna that Karlsplatz, one of Vienna's main squares, would be renamed Nikeplatz, presents a new hoax and launches an ad campaign for the fake movie, United We Stand (Europe Has a Mission). The show consists of giant movie light boxes and posters, various ads the group has placed in magazines, a website complete with a moving metal ballad theme song, and a slide show of a fictional poster campaign. The premise of this movie is as absurd as you might expect: In the year 2020 the US declares war on China, sexy Europeans note their disapproval and file some paper work.

But, a good concept alone can not make a show, and United We Stand, is lacking in assets. The gallery is too sparsely hung and in need of additional advertising materials. Among other things, the website promoting the movie lacks a trailer. One could speculate that perhaps the group was not completely ready when they hung the show in December as suggested by the postcard decal covering the original October date. What the project really needs to take off is write-up from a duped source such as cinematical.