Submit to ISEA 2006 Symposium

Dear Rhizomers,

As a member of the planning committee for the 2006 ISEA Symposium, in San Jose, CA, I would like to encourage you to submit proposals in one of two forms...

The Symposium Call for Participation for Papers and Presentations can be found here: The deadline for submission is January 15.

The Call for Participation for Workshops can be found here:
This call is open until January 31st.

As you may know, ISEA is one of the most important symposia and new media festivals. In particular, symposium chair Joel Slayton has been working to make the 2006 symposium a new kind of conference that excitingly transcends the model of traditional academic conferences.

On top of this, the festival itself promises to be a ton of fun (in the California sun), so you don't want to miss an opportunity to participate.
