Run Online

Blast Theory: Can You See Me Now?Locative Arts (where a game is played with people running through the streets, rigged with PDAs, GPS and phones, usually with online players as well) have been big for a few years now. I missed the last Blast Theory event that happened in Oz last year and so am keen not to miss another one. Luckily, the game has online players as well and so I can join in on the fun. Blast Theory and the Mixed Reality Lab are running Can You See Me Now in Cardiff at the end of Oct. Here is what happens:

Online players log onto the website to be dropped into a virtual Cardiff. Blast Theory runners will search for you on the real streets using GPS, tracking your avatar down as you run away from them online. Use your arrow keys to flee down the virtual streets, send messages and exchange tactics with other online players. An audio stream from Blast Theory’s walkie talkies lets you eavesdrop on your pursuers, getting lost and out of breath.

Game times (GMT):
Friday 28: 10.00 - 12.00 and 14.00 - 16.00
Saturday 29: 11.00 - 13.00 and 17.00 - 19.00
Sunday 30: 11.00 - 13.00 and 14.00 - 16.00

There is a video of a previous running of this game on the web too.

The game is being presented as part of May You Live in Interesting Times, Cardiff’s inaugural Festival of Creative Technology. On Saturday 29th, a talk by Ju Row Farr from Blast Theory will be streamed live.