Call for experimental video: ADTV

patrick lichty:

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Call for Experimental Video: ADTV

In the ever-accelerating media culture, how can video art explore the
contemporary cultural milieu? For that matter, how can it interface with
genres like New Media to create novel modes of audience engagement?

ADTV (Attention Deficit TV) is an experimental television program created in
the spirit of Dada, the Situationists, and Fluxus to address the disjoint
nature of contemporary culture in a playful manner. Mixing elements of the
attentive, the inattentive, the frenetic, and the discontinuous, ADTV seeks
to challenge the established protocols of television, motion graphic
design, video art, and New Media.

ADTV will consist of 1-3 30-minute pilot episodes which will be 'broadcast'
from an top-secret media laboratory deep beneath the bowels of a Midwestern
US university. Each episode will be of an ad hoc format of segments rarely
longer than 30-90 seconds each, with the exact configuration depending on
the content and daily occurrences surrounding the show's creative process.
Hosted by creators Patrick Lichty and Nathan Murray (with Gregory Little),
ADTV wants to provide a potent palaver for the undulating underground of the
transmodern mediascape.

In the end, our goal is to deliver 20-30 minutes of content akin to the
irresistible media train wreck that changes channels every 30 seconds. No
need to flip the channel - we'll do it for you.

The resulting ADTV episodes will be broadcast on WBGU-TV and distributed via
V-Podcast through

ADTV be a high colonic for what ails you?
ADTV be a palate cleanser or an after-dinner aperitif?
ADTV be a cutting-edge critique of contemporary culture?
ADTV be a mirror of a surface-deep media milieu?
We have no idea. Our goal is the solely the process of ADTV's media stream-
of-consciousness firehose.

ADTV Call for Content!
While the ADTV archives are brimming with viral little bits of moving media,
we want your involvement. What we are looking for are short works for
inclusion in the ADTV media stream. Our only requirements are that the
media can be broadcast under Fair Use guidelines, and that we can reedit the
media to fit our format/purposes (if necessary). All collaborators will be
properly credited, and all media will be distributed through a Creative
Commons Attribution Agreement.

The call begins January 5, and ends April 3. Works received earliest will
receive priority attention. Works should be at least 320x240, 15 FPS, and
in AVI, QuickTime, DV or MPEG format. Works on CD, DVD, or DV are accepted.
While we can accept VHS, specific technical challenges ask that we
discourage submission on this format. NTSC or PAL formats are accepted, and
all languages are welcome to submit.

Please send all media to:
c/o Patrick Lichty
1556 Clough St, #28
Bowling Green. Ohio 43402

Address all inquiries to:

For FTP transfer, please contact by email for FTP instructions.
Thank you for your interest, and we hope you will participate!