
DEADLINE APPROACHING is pleased to announce its New England Initiative II, a juried, networked art competition. Three projects by New England artists will be commissioned and exhibited on Turbulence and in real space (venue to be announced). Each award will be $3,500. The jury consists of Julian Bleecker, Michele Thursz, and Helen Thorington. This project is made possible with funds from the LEF Foundation.

PROJECT CONCEPT: Net art projects are "art projects for which the Net is both a sufficient and necessary condition of viewing/expressing/participating" (Steve Dietz). They live in the public world of the Internet. Recently, however, wireless telecommunications technologies have enabled computation to migrate out of the desktop PC into the physical world, creating the possibility of "hybrid" networked art, works that intermingle and fuse previously discrete identities, disciplines, and/or fields of activity such as the Internet and urban space. (See the networked_performance blog--specifically the categories Locative Media and Mobile Art and Culture.) Borders are disintegrating and new identities are emerging. We encourage applications by net artists and artists working on networked hybrid projects.
