HTTP Gallery


Invitation to Create and Exhibit Posters

You are invited to create posters through Andy Deck's Imprimatur All posters created during February, March and April will be displayed at HTTP Gallery and the surrounding public spaces for the next exhibition, 'Open Vice Virtue: the online art context'. Also photographs of posters displayed in public locations will be documented on the HTTP website. So please download, print out and paste up archived posters in your own localities - send your photos to info[at]

"Imprimatur consists of an online 'groupware' for poster illustration and layout accessible through a computer workstation installed in the gallery space. Visitors can use the software to create their own poster in collaboration with their online counterparts. This piece provides a framework for visitors/ participants to launch a personal poster campaign based on their own social and political concerns. This DIY approach revives the tradition of poster-making as a medium of mass communication and persuasion developed during the 20th century. The posters will by displayed as part of the exhibition and will circulate freely beyond the gallery walls, appearing in surrounding streets, schools, libraries, kitchens and bedrooms."