Online visualization of teens breakups

The Whitney Museum's Artport and the Tate Online have teamed up to commission three web projects. Launching today, Valentine's Day, The Dumpster by Golan Levin with Kamal Nigam and Jonathan Feinberg is an online visualization that depicts a slice through the romantic lives of American teenagers. Using postings extracted from millions of blogs, visitors can surf through tens of thousands of romantic relationships in which one person has "dumped" another.


The Battle of Algiers (launches Wed 3.1), by Marc Lafia and Fang-Yu Lin, is a continual re-composition of scenes from the seminal 1965 film re-enactment of Gillo Pontecorvo's movie.


By entering Screening Circle (launches Wed 3.22), by Andy Deck, visitors can compose loops of graphics and affect and edit each other's screens. The pieces, or segments, can be made by one person or by several people and the arrangement of the segments can be haphazard or precise.

Via Flavorpill.