UBERMORGEN.COM (Lizvlx/Hans Bernhard)


Lilly controls my Foriginals

Lilly controls my Foriginals by UBERMORGEN.COM (Lizvlx/Hans Bernhard); February 25-April 8, fabioparisartgallery via Alessandro Monti 13 - 25121 Brescia - tel. 030 3756139 - skype: fabioparisbs.

For his first Italian personal exhibition, the Austrian collective UBERMORGEN.COM (Lizvlx/Hans Bernhard) offers a synthesis of his recent work, that deals with the subtle membrane that connects the digital and the biological: a mix that UBERMORGEN.COM, an identity that lives and works on the Net, experienced on his own body. One of the best-known exponents of the net.art scene, UBERMORGEN.COM is the theorist of digital actionism, a radical practice of artistic action which experiments on the market of attention and takes place into the media scape. The most astonishing result of this kind of practice was Vote-Auction (2000), a web site that, during the American presidential elections 2000, helped people to sell their vote to the highest bidder. The legal prosecution against UBERMORGEN.COM, and the media hysteria it produced, are an important part of the whole project. During the performance, UBERMORGEN.COM were interviewed up to 30 times per day, and was broadcasted by CNN in a 30 minutes show, the legal format Burden of Proof; but he never said whether the project was a real threat to the integrity of the U.S. election or wheter it was a political satire. [More....]