Interview with Joy Garnett and Lyra Kilston: artists who appropriate news images

Interview: Joy Garnett and Lyra Kilston
New York City, February 3, 2006

Lyra Kilston graduated from the Bard Center for Curatorial Studies with a degree in Criticism. She has written for NYArts magazine, The Brooklyn Rail, ArtLies and the Performa05 Biennial. This interview was conducted for a forthcoming feature on artists who appropriate news images.

Joy Garnett is a New York artist whose work focuses on images of the apocalyptic-sublime and its intersections with media, politics and culture.Her paintings have been exhibited in the US and uinternationally. In 2002 she organized the traveling exhibition Night Vision, about networks, surveillance and media images of war that traveled to White Columns, NY (2002). In 2004 she received a grant from the Anonymous Was a Woman Foundation. She is currently co-organizing "Out of the Blue,", an exhibition about weather as a metaphor for creativity. She is the Arts Editor at Cultural Politics, an internationally refereed journal published by Berg, Oxford, UK.
