Bacteria portrait

GFPixel is a "painting" made of genetically transformed bacteria. The organisms are cultivated in about 4000 Petri-dishes that are arranged as a portrait. Like on digital screens part of the bacteria produce the green light - the Green Fluorescent Protein-gene is switched ON and in the other part the GFP-gene is switched OFF.

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The works plays with the border between living world and the digital world, the portrait seems to be digital but it lives and dies during the exhibition.

A work by Austrian media artist Gerfried Stocker and molecular biologist Reinhard Nestelbacher. More images (click "Gallerie und Details")

GPF Pixel can be seen at Medialab Madrid until April 2, as part of an exhibition of the most outstanding projects of digital culture which have won prizes in recent years at Ars Electronica in Linz, Austria.